Jimmy Stewart made his second appearance on the Fred Waring Show on Wednesday, September 3, 1947. The show has been covered in our book, but some media clips have been added here to enhance the book’s entry.
One of the regulars on the program, Daisy Bernier, is very anxious to meet Stewart. She’s so anxious that she has written a plot for his next film and she reads it to help introduce him. Here’s the plot directly from the show’s script:
As they talk, Jimmy claims that film producer Robert Riskin sent him there today to promote the film, Magic Town.
Audio PlayerWaring has his group perform Magic Town, which was written by Mel Torme and Bob Wells. Unfortunately, the transcription disc skips a few times right at the beginning of the song.
Audio PlayerAlthough this program is not in general circulation, it is available, as are most of the Waring broadcasts, at the Pennsylvania State University, 313 Pattee Library, University Park, PA.
(May 30, 2017) We are adding this photo of Stewart and Warning chatting.