The second annual Antoinette Perry “Tony” Awards Show was broadcast from the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City, March 28, 1948. On the east coast, the show was broadcast from 11:15 to 11:30 p.m. The program was broadcast over the Mutual Network, with no sponsorship. Most newspapers, including the Huntingdon Daily…
Tex and Jinx (March 28, 1948)
There is some doubt as to the actual date of this broadcast. In his book, James Stewart a Bio-Bibliography, Gerald Molyneaux lists Stewart as having appeared on “Sus and Ohrbach’s Hi Jinx” on March 28, 1948. Hi Jinx was being sponsored at the time by Schonbrunn and Ohrbach’s which may account in part for this…
The Screen Guild Players (Cassette)
This single cassette was a very early release from Radio Spirits (#1366). The Philadelphia Story appears on the B-side of the cassette. You’ll notice that Jimmy and Katharine Hepburn don’t receive any credit on the cassette label. The show was originally broadcast on March 17, 1947…
Academy Awards Show – March 26, 1958
By 1958, most of the advertising for the Annual Academy Awards Show was going to the TV broadcast. But, some newspapers like the New York Times also listed the radio broadcast. The show was broadcast from the RKO Pantages Theatre, Hollywood, CA. Stewart was one of six co-hosts from the show. He appeared first and…
Dorothy Kilgallen Show
Dorothy Kilgallen had been a staple of New York City and network radio since 1941. In 1948, her show was called The Dorothy Kilgallen Show and was broadcast Thursday mornings from 10:45-11 a.m. on New York’s WJZ and the ABC Network. The show was sponsored by the Drackett Company, makers of household cleaners including Windex…
1958 Boy Scout Radio Spot
A few years ago we were lucky enough to acquire a tape from the C.P. MacGregor recording studio. This tape was to serve as the master for a record of the spots. As you can see at the bottom of the box is a note that it was sent to be mastered on January 22,…
Jimmy Stewart…”Can’t use more money”
The following note appeared in John M. Cooper’s “Radio Ringside” column in the Cumberland Evening Times, Cumberland, MD, on March 24, 1949: We can only wonder what show it was that Stewart turned down and, if it was ever produced and aired with a different star. I’m sure we can assume that he had a…
The 22nd Annual Academy Awards Show
As outlined in Jimmy Stewart on the Air, the 22nd Annual Academy Awards Show was broadcast over ABC on March 23, 1950, from the RKO Pantages Theatre, Hollywood. Paul Douglas was the master of ceremonies and he was assisted by Eve Arden and Ronald Reagan. The previews and ads which appeared in the newspapers were…
Jimmy Substitutes for Fred Waring – March 22, 1948
Stewart’s third appearance on the Waring show was as a guest host for Fred. The show was already covered in our book, but quite a bit of additional information has been added here. The publicity information issued by NBC for his appearance apparently was not fact checked very well, if at all. Notice that they…
The Six Shooter – Duel at Lockwood
Also know as Young Gunslinger, Wes Singer, Gunfighter and Target, Britt Ponset, this show was broadcast on March 21, 1954. Wes Singer was played by Bert Holland, Elvia Allman was Mrs. Singer, Sam Edwards was Jim Cassidy, Will Wright was Sheriff Ben Hittelman and Howard McNear was Pete Drum. The show was advertised, along with…