The Larry King Show

Jimmy Stewart made an appearance on The Larry King Show on Mutual Radio on the overnight of December 5-6, 1989. The program aired from 11 p.m. on the 5th until 4 a.m. on the 6th. Exactly when Stewart appeared during that time frame is not known. This listing is from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette dated December 5, 1989:

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 12-5-89

The purpose of the visit was to publicize Stewart’s book, Jimmy Stewart and His Poems. According to this listing from The Index-Journal, Greenwood, SC, also from the 5th, the book was currently the #10 best seller.

The Index-Journal, Greenwood, SC 1`2-5-89

The program is not available, but if the program followed the usual pattern, Stewart answered questions from King and then fielded phone call questions from listeners.